A downloadable game

What is this game?

Steam Defenders is a prototype for a tower defence game that could be played with your audience on Twitch.

I made the core loop playable with one turret type and a few enemy blobs that attack the player / streamer blue tower.

Core Loop

A diagram of the core loop of the game.

The viewers can spawn a named special enemy with a comment on chat, so the integration is working nicely, its just ugly with programmer art at the moment.


The chat of a test stream.

Will I continue this project?

Who knows... Depends if there are interested people on this.

Can I play it?

I will need to schedule somethings for the game to be online / prepare access to it, so send me a message / comment here and let me know if you'd like to test it out.


Left Mouse to place and remove a turret on the blue squares.

Development log

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