Demo Available & Progress Update - v0.4.1

Hello Commanders,

For this week's new, we've got roadmap updates and a demo version available to you all.

Roadmap Updates

About the roadmap first, I've had a good thought, and decided to remove the plans for the progression feature, where you would need to unlock the game features (such as each type of missile) by playing the game and destroying the targets or something similar.

To me, this was always supposed to be a everything unlocked type of experience, so I decided to remove that feature and maintain it all at once. I'm not against re-thinking about this in the future, it just does not fit my vision and thus I'm not keeping it on the roadmap.

The main downside I can think of in this scenario, is that the game may overwhelm you a bit on the first open with all the options available.
On the upside, I'm avoiding scope creep and maintaining the release schedule for the features I consider more important to the core of the game.

Demo Version Now Available

And on another news, a demo version is now available. 
If you haven't acquired the game, you can now play for free the preview version (v0.3) of Missile Fest.

Development Progress

Regarding the game development, I made a menu for it and all the things for the menu to work.
Short and sweet description but takes a good amount of work.

I also added a build for both Mac and Linux, even though I can't test it, so I'm hoping it will work without problems.

You can check the road map and what I'm currently working on the Codecks page of the project.



  • Added a main menu for the game.
    • Added buttons and navigation.
    • Made a scene for the menu.
    • Added transitions from and to menu on the game.
  • Changed fade animation of scene switches.
  • Added full screen toggle in main and pause menu.
  • Improved missile launcher code.
  • Made the movement of the menu missile launcher follow the mouse cursor.
  • Uploaded build for both Mac and Linux systems.
  • Small general fixes.


  • Added the option to control amount of targets to spawn.
  • Added button to spawn a target.
  • Added button to change target (if possible) when aiming on auto mode.
  • Reworked camera code to be able to expand it further.
  • Added a second group of cameras showing scene angles (auto-aim mode only).
  • Added UI panel to configure cameras in-game.
  • Added dropdown to select camera group.
  • Added button to switch cameras.
  • Added targets that fly in the opposite direction.
  • Added automatic switch to auto aim mode when changing to scenery views, as you can't aim yourself.
  • Fixes
    • Fixed a UI bug where a button wouldn't properly block the launcher of firing on click event.
    • Fixed bug where pausing would reset target speed and make it too fast.
    • Fixed some more small bugs and small code errors, forgot to took notes of em all.

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