Alpha Release - v0.5.0

It's been a while...

I'm excited to announce that version 0.5 is now available to download for all platforms!

This took way longer than I expected, with a lot more details to fine tune to make the game work and play well while still being fun to watch the missiles go zoom and boom.

A lot has been added and you can check that below or with a build, however, the main attractions are a new main menu for the game, a proper flight model for the target to dodge your missiles and flares for the missiles to loose their cool.

I also changed and added a good amount of small things, like some improved visual effects, you can now disable missile to missile collisions and a lot more.

Well, enough talk, hope you enjoy the new update and have fun!

You can check the road map and what I'm currently working on the Codecks page of the project.



  • Added a flare VFX.
  • Added automatic flare launch (continuous).
  • Added automatic flare launch (counter missile).
  • Added flare detection on the missile.
  • Added flare pattern launch.
  • Added flare SFX.
  • Added new flight model for AI and future player control over the targets.
  • Added new input bindings to the game / Complete change to Unity's new input system.
  • Added new SFX for target engines.
  • Added some camera shake on boom.
  • Added speed of sound for explosions.
  • Added the backend to disable missile friendly fire.
  • Added two UI toggles for flare control on target panel.
  • Added UI toggle for missile friendly fire.
  • Added VFX for plane.
  • Changed default amount of targets to 3.
  • Fixed a bug where you could lock on a target if it was perfectly behind the launcher.
  • Fixed Issue with missiles and target references making them go ballistic.
  • Implemented AI control over targets.
  • Implemented AI navigation point based flight paths.
  • Implemented ground detection and avoidance on AI targets.
  • Implemented missile avoidance and evasive manoeuvres on AI targets.
  • Implemented stall avoidance on AI targets.
  • Implemented height limit on AI targets.
  • Improved Explosions VFX.
  • Improved PN missile guidance.
  • Improved some more minor details.
  • Improved target VFX.
  • Improved VFX of the engine to be controllable through script based on engine power.
  • Improved camera focusing on playgrounds and target angles.
  • Increased Launcher Camera maximum look angle.
  • Increased locking threshold and speed on manual aiming mode.
  • Increased missile model size by 30%, so it is more visible.
  • Increased smoke trails.
  • Made aiming guide more transparent.
  • Made flares launchable from targets.
  • Made missile be bamboozled by flares.
  • Made target engine and pitch sound based on throttle input.
  • Made missiles, planes and more to use new VFX controls.
  • Overhauled all VFX in the game.
  • Overhauled spawn code so new AI targets can spawn on game scene.
  • Rewritten code that need to be rewritten because of the line above.
  • Rewritten target behaviour to control the planes with the new flight model.
  • Some other small stuff I forgot already.


  • Added some UI sounds to the game.
  • Added UI volume slider.
  • Added new camera group.
  • Added two new camera angles.
  • Fixed targeting bugs.
  • Figured out some general numbers for the game requirements (see game page).


  • Added a main menu for the game.
    • Added buttons and navigation.
    • Made a scene for the menu.
    • Added transitions from and to menu on the game.
  • Changed fade animation of scene switches.
  • Added full screen toggle in main and pause menu.
  • Improved missile launcher code.
  • Made the movement of the menu missile launcher follow the mouse cursor.
  • Uploaded build for both Mac and Linux systems.
  • Small general fixes.


  • Added the option to control amount of targets to spawn.
  • Added button to spawn a target.
  • Added button to change target (if possible) when aiming on auto mode.
  • Reworked camera code to be able to expand it further.
  • Added a second group of cameras showing scene angles (auto-aim mode only).
  • Added UI panel to configure cameras in-game.
  • Added dropdown to select camera group.
  • Added button to switch cameras.
  • Added targets that fly in the opposite direction.
  • Added automatic switch to auto aim mode when changing to scenery views, as you can't aim yourself.
  • Fixes
    • Fixed a UI bug where a button wouldn't properly block the launcher of firing on click event.
    • Fixed bug where pausing would reset target speed and make it too fast.
    • Fixed some more small bugs and small code errors, forgot to took notes of em all.

Files 47 MB
Version 0.5.0 10 days ago 47 MB
Version 0.5.0 10 days ago 57 MB
Version 0.5.0 10 days ago

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